At long last.
This looks amazing! So sorry that I found you after it was sold out. 💜
So glad I got my hands on one in person, it is BEAUTIFUL!
Thank you, angel!!
Claiming mine! 🫶🏼
oh this looks incredible! i would love to preorder
Thank you!! Please email me at for the password to the order page on my website, or you can wait until Monday when it’s open to all💗
I love it 💕✨
I’m so so so so excited!! Emailing you now
Love love love this! So excited for you and this to get out into the world 😍
lemme get a preorder ! 🩷
So excited and it looks beautiful!!
Oh my god Teresa, these illustrations are INCREDIBLE
Aren’t they!!! Zoé really killed it.
I’d love to preorder!
Please email me for the password to the order page! And thank you!💗
you KNOW I want one!
Message me your mailing address!! Thank you so much for all your support, it means a lot💗💗💗💗
I will! I have another collab I want to discuss want to pre-order
You can order via the website now:
This looks amazing! So sorry that I found you after it was sold out. 💜
So glad I got my hands on one in person, it is BEAUTIFUL!
Thank you, angel!!
Claiming mine! 🫶🏼
oh this looks incredible! i would love to preorder
Thank you!! Please email me at for the password to the order page on my website, or you can wait until Monday when it’s open to all💗
I love it 💕✨
I’m so so so so excited!! Emailing you now
Love love love this! So excited for you and this to get out into the world 😍
lemme get a preorder ! 🩷
So excited and it looks beautiful!!
Oh my god Teresa, these illustrations are INCREDIBLE
Aren’t they!!! Zoé really killed it.
I’d love to preorder!
Please email me for the password to the order page! And thank you!💗
you KNOW I want one!
Message me your mailing address!! Thank you so much for all your support, it means a lot💗💗💗💗
I will! I have another collab I want to discuss want to pre-order
You can order via the website now: